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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Surrounded by laundry

Today has been about nesting, nesting and even more nesting. All I have done is clean and I am finally proud and comfortable with how the house looks. I was worried someone was going to have to stay here if I go into labour and I would be embarassed by the house.
I feel ready for baby Ethan to come. I just want him to be here so badly but at the same time I want to savour this time as much as possible. I want to hold my baby boy.
The girls are so excited to meet their little brother. It is still so odd to me that I am going to be the mother of three. I know that seems weird but I seriously sometimes wonder how I got from being in high school to this point. How did I have babies, how did I become a mom. This is still new to me and I don't think it will ever become old or ordinary. Every minute is new, different and adaptable. Some momments are so hard and some just make me smile. If someone asked me what it is to be a mom I would say it is like being on a roller coaster. You feel more love, more happiness, more sadness, more passion, more anger and more insanity than you ever have in your life the momment that you become a mom. You have so many hopes, so many dreams and so many wishes for the little baby that you hold in your arms from the first time. It is so emotional.
So much is changing in such a small amount of time. My big girl is starting school and I am probably going to miss her first day because I am being induced on Monday. I think she might miss the first day too just because there won't be a way to get her there if i am in labour or if Ethan has just been born. We are talking to her teacher tomorrow for the first time and we will find out if missing the first day will be a big deal. I hope we can work this all out.
Life is just crazy right now....or should i say it is on hold. I feel like I am waiting to breath. I know there is so much that is going to happen and I am really trying to be prepared in every single way that I can and that is exhausting me. I just want every transition to happen smoothly.
In a week from tomorrow not only will I have a newborn, but I will also have a kindergarten kid! Breath mama breath lol!

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