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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is a new start in a sense and an old route in a way. My mind is mellow on a topic that many would find complex, but to me it a way of life and a way of survival. I speak in terms of life as if it were a thing not yet created until birth, but it is much more than this. I am writing to someone that very few know of and even lesser know. This person is more important than it is precieved and very soon my entire world will know of this person's existance.
For the life of me I can not remember a time when my life was simple and planned. Every movement of mine is not calculated, studied or even though out. All actions happen at randomn and then fade away as fast as they emerged. But there is comfort in this. There is a beauty that allows life to flow freely from my finger tips as though my mind is posessed. I am still gasping in the newness of life. Gasping at the endless wonders that allow me to believe that more exists out there.
I came to a revelation today while going about my life and work. This revelation is that humans are missing a sense that all other animals have. We have lost a connection to our planet, to our world. Everything would be different if we could feel the hurt that we are causing our Earth. We live on top of the earth, imagining that we are not connected to it and that we cannot be incontrol, but we are.
Did humans have this sense? Was it replaced with greed and the need to always have more? I almost feel trapped now as I speak by lacking of this sense. I feel boxed in as if I am disabled by my lack of connection with the planet. I am missing something. Do other feel this way too. All importance is placed on money, possesions, things..... when did life, love, connection become unimportant?

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