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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Playing chicken with the hormone freight train...

I am pregnant, it is clearly so
I am tired, cranky, bitchy, and all I want to do is cry.

All of this doesn't matter.....or the fact that I am currently creating a human being....or two....
People suck...most of them.....and more so when I am pregnant. I have been told everything from "suck it up" "you wanted this" to things that are going to purposely make me cry. "I am surprised you and your husband are still together, you don't look happy."
So yes my husband can be lazy, unproductive, unhelpful, disrespectful and just plain a pain in the ass but I love him. I get it, he doesn't do the things I need him to do....my house is a mess and he refuses to help clean it even though I work 40 hours a week, bathe both children, cook dinner, put both children to bed, do the dishes and the laundry....oh and I am pregnant.... and he....well he works 30 hours a week and...plays video games, changes diapers, thinks cherrios is a well rounded meal and....watches movies. Obviously our family life is flawed... I know this...I know I do way too much and he does way too little..... and I would love love love love some help....but I know that will never happen.
I have given up thinking that my husband will ever put me or the children before his video games, I am through preteneding that when I am working that he is doing everything in his power to makes sure the children are getting a good start in life. I know that he will never be the person that does what a father is expected to do.....
what are my options?
I stay with the man I love and feel happy about our relationship at least dispite everything. Or I somehow find a way to be a single mother with 3 or 4 kids......oth are too hard to imagine but I know I am in the best situation I can possibly be in right now. It is hard to explain to someone that is on the outside looking in. I hate the way things are, but I love the man I am with...
I worry though, am I making the best decision staying with my husband in the matter of my children. Obviously I want them to be with there father....and he is not abusive, they are not living in total desaster....he is still making sure they are relatively safe...he is just not stimulating him...
I don't even really know what I am writing in here for...I know nothing will ever change and I will be over worked and tired until my children are grown and on there own.....Living the single parent life in a two parent home

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