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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A little down time...whew!

Today I am busy! Tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp we are leaving to go to Sudbury to seemy family. Going to Sudbury used to mean throwing a few things in a suitcase and heading out the door. Now with two kids it means planning and packing the entire day before going. Whew! It is only 3:00 and I am pooped. The kids are napping so I am taking a momment to stop.
I had caffine today for the first time in a while and let me tell you it is packing a punch. I feel really good today.
I have been thinking a lot about things lately and I really feel like I have came out of the darkness with my post pardem depression. It has been hard but I finally feel like I can handle the situations that I have in my day to day living. Everything seemed so impossible before and now it is a little bit easier. Well, about as easy as it can be with too small children. I am really very glad that I go help with it because now I see how bad it was. I didn't feel rational. Now we I have a problem I am not afraid to conquer and stand up to the problem rather than being side swiped. I am not saying that I am Martha Stewart and I have become a domesticated goddess that can handle anything. I just feel like I am getting used to my own skin.
I am getting back into the wedding planning mood which is good because there is only 4 months left. I need to have a meeting with all of my bridesmaids and get some help! I feel like there is just so much to do and not much time to pull it all together. My biggest consern is that I need a DJ for the wedding and many are booking up quickly. I hope I can find one!
I must get back to my housewife life and get laundry folded and put away, things are so much easier when the girls are napping!!


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