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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Simply Complex...

Life is always a surprise, if it wasn't what would be the point. Tonight I am sitting in the basement of my house and staring out the window high above me. Basements tend to creep me out as if demons and ghosts and monsters dwell in such places.
I cleaned this room tonight. It is an office/ children's playroom so you can imagine the mess. I cleaned and pondered life as I do whenever a mindless task needs to be completed. I thought of the past and of the future and of life in between.
Today is my fiance's 27th birthday and for some reason to me 27 seems like such a big number. I am 23 and at times that astounds me. How did I get here? I remember back in my youth I always imagined my 20's as soome exotic unreachable destination. I feel wise beyond my years in ways.
I have nothing to say tonight. I am typing hoping that I will come up with something worth typing but nothing tonight.
I do have things that are bothering me that conserns family but I don't think it would be smart of me to talk about such things here. You never know who might be on the other side of the screen. All I will say is that I feel an apology is owed and I know because of the "values" of this person that one will not be granted. Things were said that should not have been said and yes actions were taking that should not have been, but in the end this all needs to come to an end. Family is supposed to think beyond and try to solve problems, not make them harder. For once, and I stand by him 100% David is NOT backing down because of being guilted into it. The situation was childish and all because of a simple miscommunication. Enough Said.

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