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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I will warn that this post tonight will contain sexual content that not all readers will want to know. I don't think too many people read this so I am not worried. I basically need someone to talk to so I will type to the abyss tonight about my pain.

My relationship with my fiance is not typical. In most depicted relationships the man is one with the high sexual drive. That is not the case in my relationship and this is slowly tearing me apart. I don't know what to do. My man would rather plan video games, watch movies...even cartoons that be intimate with me. It isn't to say that he doesn't want to have sex with me at all...it just has to be on his terms and on his timeline. He always says that he has no time, that he has to sleep so he can go to work rested. My needs get pushed away as if they don't matter. The past two days I have been practically begging for it only to be tured down. I am sick of it!!! I tried everything I could think of to get him to want me in that way....wore the clothes he likes, did my hair the way he likes, make-up the whole deal and still got turned away.
I am done with this. I am not going to try and try to get him to want me. I am finished. I hate how I can feel so good and he can just......wreck me this way. I am crying and I hate crying. I am so sick of this, it makes me feel like shit, like I am not worthy of him and that I should have to beg and plead and be happy with whatever I get. NOOOO...
Can I do this
Can I be in a relationship where my needs are not.........respected. I don't know sometimes, I really don't. Tonight I just want to go in there, rip open and scream. If I am not good enough for you then fine go find someone like you that doesn't care about making love. I want to make him feel as small as he has made me feel tonight. I want to....feel like I matter....
But instead I sit in a corner and type to the world, a world that can't fix my problems....only he can and he won't....
I'm done

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