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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

2 1/2 year old drama queen

Being a mom is hard. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is funny how when you get pregnant, at least I did this, woman seem to think about all the baby things..the good things. We never think about the crying fits, the throwing things, the bed time drama....basically toddlerhood in a nut shell.

Tonight has been tough, Sara is crazy. I am worried I am not raising her right. There is a fine line between too little punishment and too much and I am trying to be an... understanding mom with out being too soft. I don't want daddy to always be the punishment giver and therefore the bad guy but sometime I feel I am at a lose. I don't know how to make her understand...it will just take time. I have tried to be forceful and control the situation but how do you do that. How as a parent do you stay the one in control instead of the demon hell child that wants to hip things at your head and scream at you whenever they don't get their way. I am a believer in time out and I do not believe in spankings. I do use them as a last resort, but not in pain, just to get attention. Sometimes nothing works and I just have to put her on her bed and close the door and walk away. I have shed many tears because of situations that seem out of control. I hate disaplining but I know it is the only way she is going to learn how to behave properly.

I have tried to de-stress a bit today. I went for a power walk tonight in my efforts to battle the bulge for my wedding dress. I also had my hair and makeup pretrail today and I am now very excited about all of that. Tonight though, it just doesn't seem all that exciting to rite about. I am feeling a little lonely tonight. Other than this computer screen I don't have anyone to talk about the crazy toddler-ness with...no one would understand....
Good night

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