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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

December 21 2012

This date is on my mind, it is said to be the end of life as we know it according to anicient Mayan culture and other sources many with scientific proof and predictions.
I am one of the believers that something is going to happen. I don't think it will end all human life but I do think that it will greatly lessen the population and that it will stop all technology from working. Technology has enabled us to stop being connected to the Earth, we thrive in basements, as I am now, typing worlds on to a screen. In truth it gets our words out there but after typing them they are....forgotten.

People need nature, and I am not talking about the nature found in your skin cream. I am talking about going outside, connection with your surroundings, actually feeling the grass, smelling the leaves and being human. Too many of us believe that life will come to us and that life is material things. We have turned off our consciencness and I for one want it back. I want to rely on instinct, improvise to make things better instead of running to the store to buy something to make it all better. I want a world where I can feel good about what I have done in a day and not be lazied by the ease of life. I want to be alive.

I think in some of us it is just like we have woken up for the first time. I think on Dec 21 2012 more people will wake up, ther brains will be shooked into existing and not just maintaning.
I may sound to some like a crazy person standing on the street corner telling all to fear the end but I am not...I don't think fear is the answer, I think fufillment is the answer.

Life right now is too easy and yet there are still people that find it hard, the funny thing is that in its ease it has stopped people from having insticts and having to fight to survive. Right now they can blame anything for their failure...and they only allow themselves to be rewarded for success.

All people need to be one with all the other people on the planet, that is the only way that we are ever really going to be whole. Wars fought over religion will not progress our culture, will not show others that we were here and that we were smart, and beautiful and that we were a people to be admired. I admire the Mayan culture for having the balls to be more than a people that sat around and let life just pass. They had imagination, determination, strenght, pride and they had brains. I think their culture is one to be respected and in my opinion if they say something big is going to happen then we need to listen and take notice and prepare. We can't prepare for what we can't know is coming but we can be open to suggestions and listen to our surroundings. We need to find it in ourselves that power to be human.... embrace instinct and be strong enough to survive more than just our work week.

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