About Me

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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Friday, October 16, 2009

No clue which way the wind blows

11:36.....I am sitting here hyped up on caffine and wondering how much to post in here. I am struggling with a conflict that can enhance or destroy my life. I really don't have anyone to talk to about it because they all have their own agendas that affect the outcome of this.
My delema? Do I stay in this town for as long as I can and go back to the place I have been working at, or do I embrace a new path, full of the unknown and find a new home and job. I just don't know.

I wrote things

I deleted things

I am struggling and I don't even feel like this is an outlet for me at the momment.
What do I do...I wish I had someone to talk to about this............

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