About Me

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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trying to keep my head above water

As always I have run to the comfort of the page for solstice. I feel like I am failing in every way.

My husband has tried to solict sex from two women, both of which denied him. But he still tried. I am so hurt and it keeps popping up, over and over again everytime any sort of stress hits me. I don't know what to think because half of me wants to say good bye and the other half of me can't hurt him, even though he has ripped my heart out. I want to scream and flip out so much and I can't. I have to hold my emotions and do everything I can to keep my kids from seeing that it hurts. They are two yong to understand, they need there daddy and because of that I will stay with him. Because he loves his kids and they love him and I wnat him to be with them every day and see them always. I don't want them to have my childhood.
But this means he gets to wlak on me. He swears he will never do this again but no matter how much he says it I don't believe it.
So I have been trying to make myself stronger. I have been trying to find a place with him in Barrie, that search is so fruitless. I have been trying to find a job and I keep getting brushed off. It sucks to feel so unneeded and like a failure.
I don't feel like I am not getting anywhere in life and I don't know how to fix it. It feels like that the whole 6 years at sunshine were such a waste, I gained nothing of real world value from it. I hate it. I hate how hard this is. I know life isn't easy but lately with every door slamming in my face it is almost impossible.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

At the biggest crossroad of my life

He has cheated, he tried to get sex from other women...they denied him but he still tried and tried hard. He tried so hard he is banned from a Walmart store because he sexual harassed a girl until she couldn't handle it anymore.
Now what...
I told him I don't know if I can stay with him, but in the same 24 hours I said that and then slept with him. I am so unbelievably confused and I am confusing him and I don't know what to do.
I feel like I should be hurting so much more than I am, I feel like I should not even be remotely considering staying here. What is wrong with me that I can allow him to cheat, allow him to lie to my face for months and still stay here with him. What kind of woman does this.
I don't know how to leave, I don't even know the first step. I don't know how to do this. I have no job, I am making barely anything on EI and I don't have a way. Staying is the best option isn't it.
Forever I am going to be scarred and scared and hurt and I don't know how to trust him again. He keeps doing things to hurt me and each time they are worse, he has hurt me more than any person ever has. I am starting to feel indifferent as to if I am with him or not and that tells me that this relationship is not good for me.
He has profused his love many many times over the past few days, he has cried at my feet, he has begged me to stay, he has begged me to let him stay. He says he knows this is going to take time, but I don't know how much time, it could be forever. He swears this will never happen again, he promises that he will never hurt me again, he swears he will change. But, people don't change unless they really want to for themselves and he doesn't want to for himself...he only wants to so he is not alone.
I am so stressed and all I want to do is sleep because only then do all the stupid emotions and worries fade away. I don't want to be in this situation.
I look to my left and I see me alone with the kids struggling but fighting hard to make a life for me and them. I don't know if I am smiling in this scene. I don't know how to have a job in this light, i don't know how to survive really, but I do know that if I have to I will do everything I can to make it work. I don't know if there is love in this world either, love from another. Do I want to be in a relationship with someone else.
On the right, I stay, life continues as it always has and David is here with his kids even if it is only in a context that has a playstation attached. I don't know if in this world I am happy, I don't know if I have a relationship with trust...essentially I don't know if it has love. I don't know if this reality will open the door for me to be hurt again. Will he do it again.....I am almost positive he will.
I don't know if we are meant for each other anymore. Here come the tears again.
I am so pissed off that he has done this, put me here. I hate him for putting me here.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Painfully Obvious

Dear Mystery Mind out there in the world
I am sad tonight and mouring for something I don't have...attention. I am going to be painfully truthful with myself and point out that it is not love I am wanting, because I have that. I just don't dazzle his senses, I don't impress him, I feel like I am not enough to capture his interest. This leads me to believe I have to branch out and find someone to dazzle, impress and capture. I don't feel good enough if I don't have a boy pining over me and I know that is my flaw and not everyone elses.
Is it so wrong for me to want a man that finds me atractive? I don't only mean sexually but a man that is drawn to me and wants to be with me and have conversation with me. One that isn't tied to something else. Is it wrong for me to want a man that wants to help me in every way possible. Is it wrong for me to want a man that looks me in the eyes and I can feel that I mean so much to him. Is it wrong for me to want a man that doesn't think sex with me is a joke. With David it is almost as if every suggestive thing I do brings fits of laughter instead of thoughts of intamitcy. He doesn't take me seriously, The other day I said something to him and it is the realest thing to ever pass my lips. "You take your pretend world seriously and your real world as a joke." I'm a joke to him. I want to be completely right for someone.