About Me

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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wine Induced ramblings

Title sums it up, wanna know? I drank a bottle of wine and now I am sitting here in silence with my headphones rocking out to my own party. I am a million miles away while being a foot away. It is rough, it is my life. This bottle of wine has saved me tonight.
The life of a mother is not always glorious....it is hardly glamourour but somehow it is desired. Tonight is my escape, my undoing, my release. Tonight I am bigger than what I am looking at. I have hit the back space button 800 times in this post but I fuction. I am drunk but not off...I wanna walk down the street and feeeel it all.
This post is randomn....wanna know my secret...there are two....two in the placement of goal scorer. Got it, get it. I am not spelling it out any clearer even in my compromised state. Two have scorced and another is coming up close....call me slut...i will answer...I care not...I thrive on it...I am alive....freedom and fire.

If you ever read this you are in for a shock
I am not the white lily I appear and I don't give a fuck.....judge me....come on....I dare you!@

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