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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear Hungery Eyes, I bear a feast!

I have been starving, been locked away and I have been missing so much. Like that of a coma I have awoke and right now the frenzy has reached a peak of determination that the mere mind cannot understand. I am typing the words that my fingers have ignited. I am beyond pain and suffering. I am hiding a mystery that will never be divulged, even in the coldest depths of death. I have found a mysterious passion and power and it feels so good. It feels like life....life after so long without breathe. I can’t even explain the fireworks, the colours, the feeling...oh that feeling that has not been there for so long. I was dry, dying and now I am vivid, bright, more than I have been in years and now time and passion have united and I want more.

My vision may be swayed in a way that is not allowed but I am not worried, I am not ashamed and I am fire....I am born of fire. You have to understand this passion, this fire to get to the core of my very soul. I am addicted and I have only had one taste. Just one and I am a fen. I am left breathless. Oh mysterious eyes, can you understand. Forbidden fruit is so sweet that my mouth waters just looking at the possibility. The outer vision of this fruit is not beautiful but it is beyond tantalizing. I am having trouble controlling myself. That is bad I know, but I want to lose all control. I want a time to be completely off and to just react. I don’t want to think. I just want to do, I want to be free completely from my brain and there is only one way to let instinct take over and be truly free and it is offered. I need more. I need this so badly that my body is reacting to the sight and of the smell and of the heat. I am striving, pulling, taking, and longing for this so badly at a fevered pitch. Take me, take every single piece of me and never let me be whole again. I am glowing, the sweat is flowing for my entire body and it is spiking a reaction of maximum proportion. I am shaking and the feeling of all this pent up energy is almost more than I can stand. One sight and I might have to attack. I am not on guard, I am running on primal. My very soul is begging me to let the passion ignite.

The fire is too hot, it is burning, it is so sweet. I am seeing the fireworks, the vivid colours light up the dark in places that have never ever seen light and the reaction is sheer ecstasy. My soul is built in a way that it wants nothing more than this. I feed on this. No drink, no food could ever quench the thirst of the soul. Only this, only this....I want more

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