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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Monday, March 28, 2011

When the world ends.

This is happening. We all know it. Some chose to accept and other turn a blind eye, but we all feel it. Deep down in a place inside our gut we feel it. We know that it is coming soon, we know it is coming fast. I am not one to ignore. I can feel it and I will not turn a bling eye. I will prepare to the best of my ability. I will do everything I can to save all that I can. I am building myself strounger, tougher, better. I am going ot be able to save my kids when I need to. I will hold my children and run if that is what must happen. Something in my mind tell me to wbe ready, that a great fate will rest on my ability. I want to make sure I am up for this challenge. I am scared.
When whatever goes down that will be going down I want to be able to function and to survive. I am scared of not being able to provide, not being able to meet the challenges ahead. I am afraid for my children.
So sure am I in my belief that I am scared to be living where we are, we are so far away from other family members. So sure am I in my belief that I am basing my future on alternatives, so sure am I that I am education myself on basic survival methods. I don't want to need them, but I know I will. I am a strodng believer that God will provide for us in some way, not neccessarily in the way of our chosing, but in a way that will work. I don't know what the futrue holds...but I do know that a massive change unlike any faced before will happen. Please people, have the strength to help yourself.

1 comment:

  1. This is ironic to read today. A few weeks ago I went to a little get together with friends, and the purpose was to discuss in great detail a plan for when disaster hits. Quite interesting to say the least. These friends of ours are completely prepared.(to the best of their ability anyway) They have their house hooked up to stay heated and cook with no electric or gas. They have a bug out bag all ready to go! It seems over the top, but in reality if disaster strikes, they will be prepared! I think you are smart for preparing! :)
