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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everything has it's momment

Earlier this week I was stroeng, I was fearless.....and now....I am a PMS'ing whiny baby that wants nothing more than to be hugged. I want my bed and as soon as D gets home from bringing Sara to school I will be going there. No sleep last night again because of children awaking every half hour. I also think I am getting sick, my whole head is stuffed up.

The topic from last night is currently on the back burner as I can deal with anything with out finding a reason to burst into tears. I am such a mess.

I am sitting here amased by my Makayla girl, she is watching her favourite show and acting along with the characters and repeating everything word for word. Not to shabby for a 2 year old! Makayla is growing so big. Last night was the second night in a row that she has gone to bed without a bottle and she did much better last night than the first night. And she at all her breakfast too! This is huge as it is a massive struggle to get her to eat anything, ever. I am so happy with her right now!

My Ethan baby is asleep in his swing and he looks just as I imagine angels to look. He is softly snoring and with every breath he makes I want to kiss his chubby little cheeks. He is teething right now and more often than not he is crying so to see him in such a peaceful state makes me happy. He is still such a little guy but he has grown so much since he was placed on my chest at birth, all 5lbs of him.

I have my weigh-in today and I am half looking forward to it, I have had a good week and I hope a difference has been made, but I am enjoying a visit from Aunt Flo so that could affect things. Blah......come own D, I need to go curl into a ball under my blanket and cry a bit just for the hell of it. :( I want to be held.....I want to feel arms around me and little kisses on my neck and I want to just be loved and cared for. I guess I will settle for my quilt.

Stay strong world.

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