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This blog is completely a freedom of soul. Within it's pages are blunt honesty, horror, determination, damnation and motherhood. I am not a plastic baby making clone that walks the Earth void of all else. I am more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

You won't get it

Here it is mystery mind. D and I are going to be engaging in an open relationship. We want this, need this and we have talked about it a lot. We have spoke of downfalls, of benefits, of what scares us and about what excites us. We have talked long, we have talked hard and we want this.
This allows me to endulge in a world of fantasies I have never experienced. I am excited. This is different for me and so new. I am scared because I am not really sure if a larger girl can endulge the way I want to.
I have a prospect. A safe prospect. I am taking the light. I want the light in the way my body craves, My mind is always on that one all consuming thing. How can I get laid tonight. My husband has the lowest sex drive I have ever seen in either a man or woman. I have tried getting his to want me, to want sex and it has not gone well. It has been this way for 7 years, he is not going to change and this desire is a massive part of me. It is in a sense what makes me me.
I am erotic, I am sexy and I live for the momment when I can attack my prey. I crave sex daily, hourly and will never ever turn it down as long as it is approved of in the eyes owf my husband.
I want to have sex do badly that I am letting my husband havesex with another woman. I am hoping this will increase his general want for sex. I know he loves me and he knows I love him. This is not about love, this is about a primal need that must be forfilled.
I am a creature of sex, I am temptress and I use my tongue to endulge fantasies. I am purely an animal.

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